How to reduce theft in hotels?

Theft is quite prevalent in hotels. In their absence, the guests sometimes host room amenities or employees sneak away valuables from the guest.

Let us now see how to get rid of them.

1. Complete room check before check out of the guests

Although it is important to examine rooms just before your check-out, hotels prefer to ignore this during mass check-outs. But, at all costs don't skip this stage. Make sure each room is thoroughly examined. Ask your guest until the housekeeping crew gives you a positive answer. This helps you to prevent losses from theft and false claims in a long way. Although your employees may know all the facilities in your room, offer them a checklist that might assist them inspect the room thoroughly.

2. Don't forget guests to scan

Guests that come to the hotel can take your property either for official purposes or to meet in-house guests. And these perpetrators have to be caught. How? This is simple. During entering and leaving scan every person and their bag. Train your reception personnel to be vigilant all the time. Ask the security department if any suspect who claim to be visitors or members of the employees come through.

3. Print the inventory of your brand

The inventory branding is a low cost alternative to technological installation in hotel facilities. It operates in two ways:

  • Guests are reluctant to take from defamation labelled or branded facilities.
  • The marking would serve as proof if they are discovered stealing away hotel items.
  • In addition, branding is a beneficial step if visitors want to build the original.

4. Cleaning of occupied guest rooms

In the absence of guests, rooms are generally cleaned since most of them are outside throughout the day. Many customers fail to lock their precious properties inside the safety locker because of the haste. And staff members should not misplace the items of the visitors in accordance with the hotel standards. It would terrible if any of these goods were lost or stolen. So if your room can be cleaned it is preferable to confirm with visitors. You're good to go if they agree. Also, inquire whether their belongings have been locked into the closet or locker.

5. Instant staff scanning

As you concentrate on visitors and guests, it is possible that your workers will take stuff. So, don't forget to scan your employees and their baggage, in and out of the house. Nothing is more essential than ensuring complete security of your property.


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